How to Make Money with Crypto

As the cryptocurrency market continues to develop and mature, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to how to profit from this field. Although the cryptocurrency market carries risks, it also offers many opportunities for making money. This article will introduce some methods and techniques for How to make money with crypto.

How to Make Money with Crypto

Long-term Holding of Cryptocurrency

Long-term holding of cryptocurrency is a relatively stable method for making money, suitable for investors who aim to profit from long-term investments. Here are some methods on how to profit from long-term holding of cryptocurrency:

  1. Select Promising Projects: Before holding cryptocurrency for the long term, thorough research and analysis are necessary to choose projects with potential. Investors can consider factors such as the project team’s background, technical capabilities, development plans, and market prospects.
  2. Build Investment Portfolio: Diversifying investments is an effective method to reduce risk. Investors can build an investment portfolio containing various cryptocurrencies to diversify risk and increase investment opportunities.
  3. Stay Updated with the Market: Although long-term holding implies less frequent trading, investors still need to stay updated with the market. Regularly staying informed about the latest developments in projects and changes in the industry can help investors make informed investment decisions.
  4. Exercise Patience: Long-term holding of cryptocurrency requires patience to wait for the project’s value to appreciate. Investors should have enough patience not to be influenced by market fluctuations but to believe in the long-term development potential of the project.
  5. Regularly Reassess: Despite being long-term holding, investors should periodically reassess their investment portfolio and make adjustments based on market conditions. Sometimes, the fundamentals of a project may change, requiring timely adjustments to the investment strategy.
  6. Avoid Greed and Fear: During long-term holding of cryptocurrency, investors should maintain rationality and avoid being driven by greed or fear. Avoid excessive pursuit of short-term profits and avoid panic selling due to market fluctuations.

Long-term holding of cryptocurrency allows investors to share in the long-term development benefits of projects while reducing risk in market volatility. However, investors need to possess patience, prudence, and rationality to achieve stable returns during long-term holding.

Short-term Trading

Making money through short-term trading of cryptocurrencies is a strategy for quickly generating profits but comes with higher risks. Here are some methods on how to profit from short-term trading of cryptocurrencies:

  1. Learn Technical Analysis: Technical analysis is crucial for short-term trading. By studying chart patterns, technical indicators, and price trends, traders can better understand market dynamics and make more accurate trading decisions.
  2. Set Clear Trading Strategies: Before engaging in short-term trading, clear trading strategies need to be set, including entry points, stop-loss points, and profit targets. Following the trading plan and strict execution can help reduce risks and increase profit opportunities.
  3. Choose the Right Trading Platform: Selecting a secure and reliable trading platform is crucial. Ensure to choose platforms with a good reputation and regulatory compliance to protect your funds’ safety.
  4. Stay Updated with the Market: Short-term trading requires close monitoring of market changes. Timely understanding of the latest news, market sentiment, and price fluctuations can help grasp trading opportunities.
  5. Risk Management: Risk management is the key to successful short-term trading. Setting reasonable stop-loss points, controlling the risk of each trade, avoiding overtrading, and emotional trading are essential.
  6. Be Flexible: In short-term trading, market volatility is high, and traders need to remain flexible. Adjusting trading strategies as needed and making timely decisions based on market conditions are essential.
  7. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Short-term trading is a continuous learning and improvement process. Timely summarizing trading experiences, learning lessons, and continually improving trading skills can help improve trading effectiveness.

Short-term trading of cryptocurrencies can yield higher returns in a short period but comes with higher risks. Investors need to have sufficient knowledge and experience to achieve stable profits in fast-paced markets.

Arbitrage Trading

Arbitrage trading is a strategy to profit from price differences between different exchanges or markets. In the cryptocurrency market, due to market fragmentation and liquidity differences, arbitrage trading provides an opportunity to earn stable profits. Here are some methods on how to profit from arbitrage trading of cryptocurrencies:

  1. Understand Price Differences: Before engaging in arbitrage trading, it’s essential to understand price differences between different cryptocurrency exchanges and markets. This may include exchanges from different countries, spot markets, and futures markets.
  2. Choose Suitable Trading Pairs: Choosing trading pairs with significant price differences is crucial for arbitrage trading. Generally, trading pairs with high liquidity and large trading volumes are easier to realize arbitrage opportunities.
  3. Establish Automated Trading Systems: Since arbitrage trading requires fast execution and response to market changes, establishing automated trading systems is necessary. This ensures immediate execution of trades when arbitrage opportunities arise.
  4. Risk Control: Although arbitrage trading is typically considered a low-risk strategy, there are still certain risks. Price fluctuations, exchange delays, and fund security factors may affect the effectiveness of arbitrage trading. Therefore, risk control is crucial.
  5. Monitor Markets and Execute Trades: Arbitrage trading requires close monitoring of market prices and execution of trades. Using real-time data sources and trading bots can help identify arbitrage opportunities promptly and execute trades.
  6. Consider Trading Costs and Fees: When conducting arbitrage trading, consider the impact of trading costs and fees on profits. This may include trading fees, withdrawal fees, and exchange rate differences.
  7. Continuous Optimization and Improvement: Arbitrage trading is a process of continuous optimization and improvement. Analyzing market and trading data timely, optimizing trading strategies and parameters can enhance the effectiveness of arbitrage trading.

Overall, arbitrage trading is a strategy to profit from market price differences, but it requires investors to have certain technical knowledge and experience. By deepening understanding of the market, establishing automated trading systems, and controlling risks, investors can achieve stable arbitrage profits in the cryptocurrency market.

Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and Crowdfunding Participation

ICO and crowdfunding are methods to profit from investing in early-stage cryptocurrency projects. In this model, investors can purchase tokens before the project’s launch and sell them at a higher price after the project succeeds. However, this method carries higher risks, as many projects may fail to fulfill their promises, resulting in investors losing funds.

Cryptocurrency Mining

Mining is the process of validating and recording cryptocurrency transactions by solving complex mathematical problems with computers. This process, known as “proof of work,” is typically completed by miners using their computing power. Here are general steps and considerations on how to profit from cryptocurrency mining:

  1. Select Suitable Cryptocurrency and Mining Equipment: Firstly, you need to choose the cryptocurrency to mine and the corresponding mining equipment. Different cryptocurrencies may require different types of mining equipment, and their mining difficulty and potential returns may vary.
  2. Understand Mining Costs and Returns: Before deciding to mine, it’s essential to understand the costs and expected returns of mining. This includes the purchase cost of mining equipment, electricity costs, maintenance costs, and potential mining rewards.
  3. Choose Appropriate Mining Pools: Mining pools are platforms where a group of miners collaborates to mine and share rewards. Joining a mining pool can increase mining success rate and stability, and typically provides more stable returns.
  4. Understand Mining Technology and Processes: Mining involves some complex technologies and processes, including setting up and configuring mining software, miner authentication, blockchain synchronization, etc. Before starting mining, it’s advisable to have a basic understanding of these technologies and processes.
  5. Manage and Optimize Mining Equipment: Managing and optimizing mining equipment is crucial for improving mining efficiency and reducing costs. This includes regular maintenance and cleaning of equipment, adjusting mining software settings for better performance, monitoring the operation of mining equipment, etc.
  6. Stay Informed about Market and Technical Changes: Mining market and technologies are constantly changing and evolving, so it’s essential to stay informed about market and technical changes and make adjustments and optimizations to mining strategies as needed.
  7. Risk Management and Investment Return: Mining is a high-risk investment, so effective risk management is necessary. Before mining, it’s advisable to assess the return on investment and consider the balance between risk and return.

In conclusion, mining is a way to profit by providing computing power to validate and record cryptocurrency transactions. Although mining may require significant time and resources, it remains a way to achieve stable returns for some individuals with technical backgrounds and sufficient funds.

Liquidity Mining

Some decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and decentralized exchanges (DEXs) allow users to earn passive income by directly participating in the lending process, similar to banks. Liquidity mining technology enables users to connect their cryptocurrency wallets and contribute coins and tokens to liquidity pools.

Then, these funds are used to lend to others to earn interest and fees. Users sometimes earn rewards for participating in lending processes or earn interest based on the amount they stake or hold in their accounts. The amount earned from lending cryptocurrency depends on three factors: loan duration, loan amount, and interest rate. The top lending platforms in 2023 were Uniswap, Curve, and Balancer.

Many DEXs also offer liquidity pools where users can deposit their cryptocurrencies. These pools allow other users to conduct faster trades, enabling them to take advantage of price fluctuations. Liquidity providers typically earn a certain percentage of the cryptocurrencies locked in the pool.

Some exchanges where you can earn returns by providing liquidity include Uniswap, Pancakeswap, and Sushiswap.


Proof of work is not the only way to earn new tokens. There are proof of stake (PoS) blockchains where cryptocurrency owners “stake” their tokens to participate in the network’s validation and consensus process. Stakers receive fees as rewards for the work they do.

You don’t need the same level of technical knowledge to stake cryptocurrencies as with other methods. Some exchanges allow you to stake if you hold qualifying coins in your account. For other coins, you simply need to keep the cryptocurrency in a compatible software or hardware wallet to earn staking rewards.

On some blockchains, such as Ethereum, you can delegate your ether to validator nodes, which earn rewards and pay fees to those who delegate ether to them. You can also join staking pools, where fees are paid according to the pool’s rules. These features are not built into the blockchain but are provided by other parties that create these features.

Playing Money-Making Games

You can also earn passive income by playing online games. There are now many cryptocurrency games where you can earn money, each one unique. Some popular ones include Axie Infinity and Decentraland.

In the Philippines, these games became very popular during the pandemic, to the extent that they became a source of income for the unemployed.

Potential Risks


Cryptocurrencies are favorite targets for hackers and thieves because they are new, valuable, and their supporting technologies are still under development. Exchanges are continually being attacked by hackers and thieves.

Attacks may not always target exchanges. For example, in July 2022, a liquidity provider on the Uniswap platform fell victim to phishing scams, ultimately approving trades for fraudulent positions.


Cryptocurrency price fluctuations are well-known and face the same risks as traditional high-risk investments. Prices sometimes fluctuate thousands of dollars per day, affecting your investment capital or profit potential.

Historically, the cryptocurrency market has responded strongly to news and regulatory developments—press releases have led to significant price fluctuations due to prosperity and fear.


Cryptocurrencies may not provide the expected returns, so you may need to invest more to make the returns worthwhile. If you do invest enough cryptocurrency to earn worthwhile returns, you could lose a significant amount of money if the price suddenly drops and cannot recover.

Related Costs

Competitive mining equipment is expensive, as is the energy cost to run it. If you attempt to mine Bitcoin or another minable cryptocurrency, you may never break even because large mining farms monopolize the mining network. Pool payments are usually calculated based on completed work shares, so unless you have a powerful miner contributing a lot of work to the pool, your share will be minimal.


Many decentralized exchanges offer yield farming opportunities, but it’s challenging to judge whether tokens are genuine because they and the exchanges are unregulated. You need to research to ensure that you’re investing in something real, and even then, you could still be deceived.

Some counterfeits are very convincing, with websites, white papers, explorers, indicators, and seemingly active development communities.


Making money through cryptocurrency is a challenging yet potentially rewarding activity. Whether it’s long-term holding, short-term trading, participating in ICOs and crowdfunding, mining, or arbitrage trading, investors need to have good market analysis skills, risk management techniques, and patience.

Many investors have experienced the pain of cryptocurrency platform bankruptcies and declines in the overall cryptocurrency investment portfolio value. Everyone’s risk tolerance and investment goals are unique, so it’s up to you (perhaps a trusted financial professional) to determine the right balance for cryptocurrency income investment, if any, that makes the most sense for your investment portfolio.