Avoid Cognitive Overload, Be Grateful for What You Have

Avoid Cognitive Overload, Be Grateful for What You Have

We all strive to optimize the triangle of health, wealth, and time, especially those of us in the crypto industry, trying to earn enough money in a relatively short period to escape the rat race.

Life is truly interesting, isn’t it?

One moment you feel like you’ve figured everything out, the next you’re staring at your phone at 3 a.m., wondering if you should put your life savings into some obscure meme coin.

We spend a lot of time chasing gains and getting absorbed in charts, often forgetting the bigger picture. So let’s take a step back and reflect on what really matters.

No, I’m not a master speaking from a high pedestal. I’m just someone who’s been in the crypto space for a while. Along the way, I’ve gathered some thoughts worth sharing.

First: Your community matters

I’m not talking about your Twitter followers or Telegram groups (although those can be very important in our world). I’m referring to the people who support you when the market crashes, those who stand by you during tough times. Your family, your close friends, your significant other—these are the ones who will help you get back on your feet after you’ve invested too much in junk coins.

Don’t neglect them while chasing the next 100x. Trust me, I’ve been there; it’s not worth it.

Speaking of investments, let’s talk about risks

Life isn’t a testnet, folks. This is the mainnet, with blocks coming in continuously and irreversibly.

I’m not saying you should throw caution to the wind and invest in every project that pops up in your Twitter feed. But don’t be afraid to take some well-thought-out risks, especially early in your career. The most valuable things in life often come with uncertainty. Find a balance between “playing it safe” and “what was I thinking.”

The thing is: most people fear doing anything without guaranteed results. They’re trapped in a scarcity mindset, always looking for the safest way to do the least.

But that’s no way to live, is it?

Real gains in life come from trusting yourself. Have the courage to say, “You know what? I believe in myself more than anyone else. Let’s see where this goes.”

I know some of you might think, “Easy for you to say, anonymous person. You’ve made it.”

But let me tell you, success isn’t a straight line. It’s a series of failures, lessons, and near-misses until you find that sweet spot. Even then, it’s not the end. You have to keep pushing, learning, and growing.

Listen to someone who’s been through the crypto storm—the journey is where the value lies.

Of course, making money is great (don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it). But what truly matters are the skills you acquire, the relationships you build, and the resilience you develop along the way.

Now, let’s talk about work

We spend a lot of time working, so it better be something that ignites your inner fire. If you’re dragging yourself to a job you hate every day, something’s got to change.

Life’s too short to spend over 40 hours a week in misery. Find something you love, something that challenges you and makes you want to improve.

When you find it, go all in.

But here’s the key—don’t let work consume you entirely. I’ve seen too many people burn out, sacrificing their health and relationships on the altar of “success.” It’s not worth it. You need balance. Take care of your body, get some fresh air, and step away from the charts occasionally.

Money that comes with work

Let me address the elephant in the room.

In the crypto world, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game. But here’s a truth for you: whether or not money can buy happiness, it certainly can buy freedom.

And that’s a big deal.

Having enough money to not worry about bills can significantly enhance your well-being and health. But—there’s a diminishing return. Once your basic needs are met, plus a little buffer, every additional dollar brings less happiness. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying “stop making money.” I’m saying be aware of what you’re making it for.

You know how we always talk about scarcity in crypto?

Nothing is scarcer than time. Unlike money or tokens, you can’t mine more of it, and once it’s gone, you can’t buy it back. No matter how much you grow your portfolio, you can’t reclaim the years spent glued to a laptop, missing out on life.

So use your money wisely. Invest in experiences, learning, and helping others. For heaven’s sake, invest in your health. All the gains in the world mean nothing if you’re too exhausted to enjoy them.

Cognitive load

Now, let’s talk about something that might give some of you anxiety—cognitive load.

In this field, the amount of information can be overwhelming, bombarding you 24/7. New protocols, meme coins, price fluctuations, Twitter debates—it’s a lot. But here’s a pro tip: learn to filter out the noise. Focus on what truly matters and let the rest go. Your mental health will thank you.

Speaking of mental health, let’s address the existential doubt that comes with this crazy journey. Let me assure you; it’s normal. Especially after hitting significant milestones or during market downturns.

You’re not alone in feeling this way. Take a step back, breathe, and remember why you got into this field in the first place.

One of the most important things I’ve learned since entering this space is the importance of staying curious and continuously learning. The crypto world evolves rapidly, and if you’re not growing, you’re falling behind. But don’t limit yourself to just blockchain technology. Read widely, explore new ideas, talk to people outside your usual circle. You never know where the next big inspiration will come from.

Speaking of inspiration, don’t underestimate the power of stepping into nature. Get away from the screens, immerse yourself in the real world, and you’ll gain a clearer perspective. It’s easy to get lost in the virtual crypto world, but remember—we are still flesh and blood, needing sunlight and fresh air.

No matter how cliché it sounds, it’s truly necessary to take a walk in the nearest forest whenever you doubt your path or goals.

Setting clear goals—for daily, annual, and long-term targets—is crucial. But here’s the key: be flexible. If a great opportunity comes along that doesn’t fit your initial plan, don’t be afraid to pivot. Some of the best choices in life come from embracing the unexpected.

Another point about goals—make sure they’re not just about money or career. Set goals for your personal growth, relationships, and health. Because at the end of the day, those are the things that truly matter.

I don’t want to cause panic, but you won’t always achieve every goal you set. Let’s face an uncomfortable topic—failure.

Embrace it. Learn from it. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from taking risks. Every successful person you admire has a trail of failed projects and ideas behind them. It’s part of the process. Just like that.

Now, I know some of you might think, “Yeah, yeah—easy for you to say, you’ve made it.” But let me be clear—there’s no such thing as “making it.”

There will always be another level, another challenge. The day you think you’ve “made it” is the day you start stagnating. Stay hungry, stay foolish, as the saying goes.


I want to end on a very important topic—gratitude.

In the fast-paced crypto world, it’s easy to always chase the next big thing and never be satisfied with the present. But take a moment each day to appreciate where you are and the journey you’ve been on.

Be grateful for the opportunities, the lessons, even the tough times.

They’ve shaped you into who you are today.

Remember, life isn’t just about accumulating wealth or achieving status. It’s about the connections you make, the experiences you have, and the impact you leave on the world. Don’t get so caught up in the game that you forget to actually live.

So, that’s my share, anonymous folks. Some life thoughts from someone who’s weathered the crypto storms and lived to tell the tale.

Take what you need, leave what you don’t.

Remember—you’re the protagonist in this crazy life journey. Make it a story worth telling.

Stay real, stay humble, and for the love of all that’s holy, don’t forget to touch grass occasionally.

That’s it for today, anonymous folks!

Hope you enjoyed this article.

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