Maximizing Your Participation in Linea Surge

On May 17, the Linea Surge event officially commenced. Linea launched the first phase of its Linea Surge Points Program (Volt 1) to attract more users and increase TVL (Total Value Locked) on its network, thereby driving the ecosystem’s prosperity. This marks the potential beginning of a new chapter in Linea’s growth.

Despite some controversy and criticism among community members regarding PUA (Pick-Up Artist) tactics, Linea has made it clear that Linea Surge is the final piece before embarking on its journey toward decentralization, aiming to create a network truly owned and operated by the community.

How Does Linea Surge Work?

As part of this initiative, Linea will reward participants with LXP-L points for holding assets on Linea and deploying them to DeFi protocols. Linea Surge will run for six months (six phases or Volts) or until its TVL reaches $3 billion. With each phase, the allocation of LXP-L will decrease by 10%, meaning the earlier you participate, the greater the rewards. Linea states that users only need to bridge their assets to Linea, keep them on-chain, and deploy them to designated protocols to earn LXP-L points hourly.

For users with existing liquidity exceeding 0.1 ETH before the last block on May 16, 07:59, an early adopter multiplier for Volt 1’s LXP-L points will be provided as an extra reward. Additionally, liquidity deployed in a single protocol must be at least $24 for points to be counted. Importantly, Linea noted that there is no need for witch-hunting in this event. Whether users concentrate all liquidity in one wallet or spread it across thousands of addresses, they will receive the same number of points.

Earning LXP-L Points

There are three main ways to earn LXP-L points:

  1. Ecosystem Points: To incentivize users to bridge assets or deposit into Linea and interact with various ecosystem protocols.
  2. Referral Points: Distributed through the Linea Surge referral mechanism.
  3. Veteran Points: Extra rewards for users with significant historical activity and contributions on the Linea platform.

The chart below shows the weight distribution for ecosystem point rewards. The highest weights are given to ETH and LRT liquidity on DEXs and lending platforms, as well as ETH bridging activities. Stablecoins, LST, and RWA (Real World Assets) have lower weights.

Whitelisted Tokens for Linea Surge

The following tokens have been whitelisted for the Linea Surge event:

21 Protocols Participating in Linea Surge

How to Efficiently Participate in Linea Surge?

To maximize capital efficiency and earn the most LXP and potential airdrops, consider the following paths:

Path 1

Bridge ETH to Linea and stake it in a staking protocol, or deposit LRT or LST tokens into a lending protocol. For example, providing wrsETH (an LRT token issued by Kelp DAO) on ZeroLend can earn double Kelp Miles, Linea LXP-L points, Turtle Club 5% Turtle (virtual liquidity protocol) LXP-L points, and TurtleDAO points. Alternatively, using weETH to borrow GRAI (an over-collateralized debt token issued by Gravita Protocol) on Gravita Protocol and then providing liquidity on NILE can earn the most LXP efficiently.

Path 2

Bridge ETH to Linea and provide liquidity in a DEX protocol and stake LP tokens. For instance, bridging ETH on Connext, providing liquidity on Velocore, and staking LP tokens can earn LXP-L points, pre-mining rewards LVC from Velocore, and Carrot points from Router Nitro.

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