Building a DeFi Portfolio with Curve Finance: Tips and Tricks for Investors

Curve Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform focused on providing liquidity for stablecoin trading. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain and allows users to trade with very low slippage and fees. Curve uses a specially designed automated market maker (AMM) algorithm to optimize trading between stablecoins, making it an ideal place for trading stablecoins and other low-volatility assets.

Curve Finance is not limited to stablecoins; it also supports a variety of cryptocurrency pairs, including various forms of Bitcoin tokens (such as WBTC and renBTC). Additionally, Curve offers a decentralized autonomous organization called Curve DAO, incentivizing users to provide liquidity and participate in platform governance through its native token, CRV. Users can earn rewards by staking their tokens and voting on the platform’s development direction and various parameter settings.

Curve Finance

What is Curve Finance?

Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange (DEX) created by a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and developers in January 2020, with Michael Egorov as the founder and CEO. The platform was opened to the public in May 2020. Running on the Ethereum blockchain, it focuses on providing low-impact liquidity for stablecoins. The exchange features a unique liquidity pool mechanism that combines multiple stablecoins and automatically adjusts their relative weights to reduce the market price impact on traders.

Curve Finance offers a variety of stablecoin pools, such as DAI and USDC, for users to trade. Users can trade by adding liquidity to or withdrawing liquidity from the pool. The platform uses a unique algorithm to maintain minimal price changes and high liquidity.

Curve Finance has its token, called CRV. It is an ERC-20 token that has multiple functions on the platform. Users who provide liquidity to Curve’s pools are rewarded with CRV for their contributions. CRV holders can also vote on platform modifications, such as the proposed fee structure.


Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that specializes in providing low slippage and high liquidity stablecoin trading pairs. Some of its key features include:

  • Liquidity Pools: Curve uses a unique liquidity pool model, allowing users to provide liquidity and earn transaction fees in return.
  • Low Slippage: The platform aims to minimize price slippage, helping ensure users get the best price when trading.
  • Multiple Stablecoin Pools: Curve offers various stablecoin pools, including DAI, USDC, USDT, and more.
  • Decentralized Governance: The platform is governed by users through the Curve DAO, enabling community-driven decision-making.
  • Multi-chain Support: Curve supports multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, xDAI, Harmony, Arbitrum, Avalanche, and Polygon.
  • Stablecoin Mining and Liquidity Provision: Users can earn yield on their deposited stablecoins by providing liquidity to mining pools and farming their deposited assets.
  • Liquidity Mining: Curve also features liquidity mining on its platform, allowing users to stake their liquidity and earn rewards in different tokens.

Cryptocurrencies Offered by Curve Finance

The exchange supports various cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins and Bitcoin ERC20. Specific cryptocurrencies available on the platform may change over time. Some of the stablecoins and Bitcoin ERC20 supported by Curve Finance include:

  • Stablecoins: DAI, USDC, USDT, TUSD, BUSD, sUSD, and more
  • Bitcoin ERC20: renBTC, WBTC, sBTC
  • Other Crypto Assets: YFI, YFII, LEND, CRV (Curve’s native token), and more

How Does Curve Finance Work?

The exchange uses liquidity pools and automated market maker (AMM) algorithms to provide a stable and efficient trading experience. Liquidity pools are composed of different stablecoins deposited by users, such as USDC and DAI. The AMM algorithm determines prices based on the current demand and supply of each asset.

When users want to trade one asset for another, they can do so directly on the Curve platform. The AMM algorithm automatically adjusts asset prices based on the trade, ensuring minimal slippage and high liquidity. Users can withdraw their assets from the liquidity pools at any time.

Why Use Curve Finance?

Some key benefits of using Curve Finance include:

  • Stability: By using liquidity pools of stablecoins, Curve Finance provides a stable trading environment less affected by market volatility. This makes it an excellent choice for users looking to protect their assets from fluctuations.
  • Efficiency: The AMM algorithm ensures that users can trade their assets with minimal slippage and high liquidity. This means users can get the best price for their trades and have their assets quickly and easily.
  • Decentralization: As a decentralized platform, Curve Finance offers security and autonomy that centralized exchanges cannot provide. This makes it an excellent choice for users who value privacy and control of their assets.
  • Flexibility: Curve Finance supports various stablecoins and cryptocurrencies, allowing users to trade their preferred assets flexibly.

How to Exchange Tokens on Curve Finance

To exchange cryptocurrencies on Curve Finance, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Curve Finance website
  2. Now connect your wallet, such as MetaMask or WalletConnect compatible with the platform
  3. Select the cryptocurrencies you wish to exchange on both sides of the trade
  4. Click the “Swap” button
  5. To sell cryptocurrencies, click “Sell”
  6. The new currency will be added to your wallet, and you will receive a notification confirming the successful transaction.

Exchange Fees and Supported Payment

The Curve DAO determines the fees and parameters for the pools. As of now, all pools have a fee of 0.04%, half of which goes to the liquidity providers and the other half to veCRV holders as members of the DAO.

Customer Support

You do not need to create an account to trade on this exchange. However, you need to connect a compatible wallet to the exchange. For customer support, you can contact the exchange team through the following channels:

Email: [email protected]

Additionally, you can check the FAQ section for general and troubleshooting questions.

Hacking Incident

Curve.Finance suffered a hacking attack in August 2022, resulting in a loss of about $570,000. The operators quickly identified and corrected the issue, advising users who had approved any contracts on Curve recently to revoke those contracts immediately. The attacker appears to have tampered with the Domain Name System (DNS), leading users to visit a fake copy of the site and approve malicious contracts. However, the scheme’s core contracts remained intact.

Bottom Line

Curve Finance is a promising new platform that offers a stable and efficient way to trade different cryptocurrencies. It stands out from the crowded DeFi market with its liquidity pools and AMM algorithms. The security and autonomy it provides for its users are commendable features. Moreover, compared to other exchanges, the transaction fees are lower.

Thus, if you’re looking to trade stablecoins or other cryptocurrencies, Curve Finance is a good choice. However, we recommend understanding your needs and conducting your research before investing in cryptocurrency exchanges. Do not put your life savings and assets you cannot afford to lose into this exchange, as there are risks involved in being a liquidity provider.