Analysis of Sending Network: From Freedom to Sovereignty

Analysis of Sending Network: From Freedom to Sovereignty

In the Web3 world, much attention is given to decentralized finance and the internet of value. However, a more fundamental issue often goes unnoticed—communication freedom.

Imagine if every message we sent was monitored, every call recorded. What freedom would we have left? We would be like fish in a transparent bowl, with every move observed by unseen eyes. This is the very shackle that Sending Network aims to break.

Sending Network is not just another messaging app; it is the prelude to a communication revolution. By reconstructing the underlying TCP/IP protocol, Sending Network is laying the groundwork for a decentralized information superhighway for the Web3 era.

Why Is Sending Network Important?

The Fragility of Centralization

The current TCP/IP protocol functions like a single bridge—if it breaks, the entire network collapses. Remember the 2021 Facebook (now Meta) global outage that lasted for six hours, causing nearly $1 billion in losses? This is the cost of centralization.

Privacy Risks

Our communication data is like a flock of sheep, passing through the central servers, which are like dens of wolves.

Even so-called secure platforms like Telegram still transmit messages through central servers, leaving them vulnerable to being “devoured by wolves.”

Censorship Threats

Centralized communication infrastructure is like a giant faucet; those in control can shut off the flow of information at any time.

In recent years, we have seen more countries and regions tightening their grip on this “faucet,” posing a severe threat to the free flow of information.

How Does Sending Network Address These Challenges?

Decentralized Routing

Your home router is no longer just a dumb box; it becomes an active node in the network. It participates in data transmission and verification, enhancing network resilience and allowing you to earn tokens by contributing idle bandwidth.

This transforms a single bridge into a network of countless small bridges, ensuring that information finds a new path if any part breaks.

End-to-End Encryption + Decentralized Transmission

Messages are transmitted directly between nodes without passing through central servers or being stored on them.

This is akin to cloaking each message in an invisible shield, rendering it unreadable even if intercepted.

Resistance to Censorship

The decentralized network architecture makes information blocking extremely difficult. Trying to block such a network is like trying to grasp a handful of sand—some grains will always slip through.

Technical Innovations of Sending Network

From a technical perspective, Sending Network’s innovation lies in its redefinition of network addressing and routing.

Traditional TCP/IP uses IP addresses for routing, while Sending Network adopts content-based addressing.

This means data packets no longer need to know the exact IP address of the destination but are routed based on the hash of the content. This not only improves efficiency but also significantly enhances privacy protection.

The Investment Perspective

Investors should note that Sending Network is building a complete communication ecosystem. Its token model is cleverly designed: users earn tokens by contributing idle bandwidth, and these tokens are used to pay for network usage, creating a self-sustaining economic loop that supports long-term network sustainability.

More excitingly, Sending Network has the potential to become the communication cornerstone of the “network state” envisioned by Balaji Srinivasan. Imagine a future where digital city-states are built entirely on Sending Network.

These “network states” would have their own governance structures, economic systems, and even digital citizenship. Sending Network would provide the secure and free communication infrastructure for these virtual nations, just like the postal and telecommunications systems in the real world.

Potential Risks of Sending Network

Of course, like any powerful technology, Sending Network’s robust privacy protection and censorship resistance could be used for illicit activities.

However, just as Bitcoin was once criticized for potentially enabling crime, this should not be a reason to reject technological progress. Instead, it should prompt us to think critically: how can we balance privacy protection and order maintenance in the digital age?

From an investment standpoint, Sending Network undoubtedly holds a strategic position in the DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) sector.

Compared to projects focusing solely on storage (like Filecoin) or bandwidth (like Theta), Sending Network targets the more fundamental and expansive communication market—a trillion-dollar blue ocean.

The Team and Backing

The Sending Labs team’s background is impressive. The core members have experience at Microsoft and founded Dolphin Browser, a top global mobile browser. This demonstrates their deep understanding of both underlying technology and user-facing product development.

The $20 million in funding, backed by investors like Signum Capital, M6, and tech veterans from a16z, provides strong support for the project’s long-term development.

However, investors should also be aware of potential risks. Reconstructing TCP/IP is a monumental task with significant technical challenges.

As a nascent network, Sending Network will need time to build a sufficiently large node network to ensure performance and security. Lastly, the strong privacy protection could attract regulatory scrutiny, which should not be overlooked.

A Broader Perspective

On a broader scale, Sending Network should be viewed as more than just an investment opportunity—it is a long-term struggle for human dignity and freedom.

In an era where information is power, controlling communication channels equates to controlling discourse. Sending Network’s significance lies in returning this power from centralized entities to every netizen.

This project not only represents a potential shift in how we relate to the internet but could also transform national governance models. As witnesses and participants in this journey, we must remain vigilant and hopeful.

After all, in the digital age, communication freedom is the true productivity. And Sending Network is paving the way for the liberation of this productivity.