World3 Exclusive Review: An Autonomous AI World

World3 Review

In the current dismal market environment, the Bitcoin ecosystem also seems somewhat quiet, but this does not mean that innovation and exploration within the Bitcoin ecosystem have stopped. On the contrary, new technologies such as the RGB++ protocol and DOB protocol are actively being tested by various projects, bringing new hope. Recently, we discovered that the BTC autonomous world World3 based on RGB++ seems to be sparking new thoughts on BTC ecosystem innovation, leading us to wonder whether AI can inject new vitality into the sluggish BTC ecosystem.

What is World3?

In short, World3 is a decentralized autonomous AI world (Autonomous Intelligent Worlds, AIW), using the Bitcoin mainnet as the asset control layer for digital objects (DOB) and CKB as the DA layer and smart contract layer for digital objects, achieving seamless integration between Bitcoin and other Turing-complete blockchains.

This cross-chain compatibility provides users with the convenience of freely trading and transferring assets across different networks, enhancing the functionality and flexibility of applications. Additionally, World3 will offer a visualization and interaction layer for digital objects, constructing a new digital world around on-chain digital objects.

The predecessor of World3 was the metaverse project Matrix World developed on the Ethereum chain, which attracted significant attention from individual and institutional investors at its inception.

In February 2022, Matrix World completed a $5.5 million angel round financing at a valuation of $50 million, led by Tess Ventures, Everest Ventures Group, Com2Us, and Y2Z Ventures, with other investors including Sky9 Capital, Dapper Labs, Animoca Brands, Bonfire Ventures, Matcha, SecondLive, Hash Global, LucidBlue Ventures, and PANONY.

World3 – An AI-Driven Multi-Chain World

World3 is a multi-chain world built on the solid foundation of the Bitcoin network, supporting players in customizing their on-chain instance spaces, allowing creators to create various digital objects, and establishing economic cycles of production, consumption, finance, and entertainment within its ecosystem.

AI integration is a core feature of World3, providing the virtual world with self-evolution and optimization capabilities and offering users a more intelligent and interactive experience. Users can also customize their AI agent partners, SOULmates, which can be personalized and equipped according to user preferences, responding to user actions, and providing unique and engaging experiences through continuous interaction and adaptation.

World3 encourages users to build and integrate customized 2D and 3D decentralized applications (DApps). This user-driven development model allows creators to shape unique experiences based on their imagination, contributing to the platform’s diversity and functionality.

Users can participate in the construction of the 3D open world and further expand their application scenarios and ecosystem richness through built-in creation services and computing resources.

Core Assets of World3

The core assets of the project consist of three key components:

1. World3 Treasure

As the foundation of the ecosystem, World3 Treasure supports the token economy and protocols, incentivizing developers to create fully on-chain applications and services to promote community expansion and collaboration.

2. World3 Cortex

Integrated with advanced large language models and innovative AI technologies, World3 Cortex drives user-generated content with application scenarios including AI agents in games, personalized shopping experiences, and digital companions capable of developing unique personalities.

3. World3 Nexus

As the hub of World3, Nexus provides an integrated social platform supporting 2D and 3D content, allowing users to play, create, and interact in a rich social environment.

Exploration and Realization of Autonomous Worlds

The concept of autonomous worlds originates from LUDENS’ “The Case for Autonomous Worlds: Blockchains as World Technology.” These digital ecosystems are defined by decentralized management of entities and rules through blockchain technology, forming a complete system with consistent internal rules and logic that allows users to experience, interact, and create value within.

Core aspects include:

Blockchain as the Foundation for Data and Logic

Blockchain technology provides an immutable, transparent data storage and state transition platform for autonomous worlds. State roots and state transition functions ensure continuity and consistency, allowing anyone to verify and participate in the world’s state according to the same rules.

High Autonomy Ensures Decentralization

The greatest feature of autonomous worlds is their high autonomy. These worlds operate independently of any single entity, relying on collective consensus and predefined rules for self-management and maintenance, reducing dependence on centralized authorities and enhancing censorship resistance and robustness.

Open Ecosystem and Innovation

The open principles of autonomous worlds encourage third-party developers and users to participate in ecosystem construction. Open-source smart contracts and clients allow anyone to innovate based on the existing framework, promoting the development and evolution of autonomous worlds.

Boundaries and Consensus

Autonomous worlds achieve value interoperability with the real world through blockchain technology. Interoperability between digital and real-world assets deepens the game’s depth and meaning, providing users with richer interactive experiences.

Autonomous AI Worlds (AIW)

Autonomous AI Worlds (AIW) is the core concept of World3. Although the Bitcoin network, as the only truly decentralized network, has unique advantages in stability and security, its protocol characteristics limit user scenario expansion.

Conversely, the development of AW also faces challenges, with many early AW applications focusing on small comprehensive games lacking evolution and self-evolution capabilities. The introduction of AI provides a new solution, endowing autonomous worlds with more autonomy and self-evolution capabilities.

World3’s solution is to build a globally state-verifiable, traceable, and self-evolving autonomous world. The system comprises several key components, each playing a crucial role in ensuring system autonomy and intelligence.

Firstly, WORLD3 Brain, similar to Microsoft’s Copilot, can answer users’ questions based on the world’s latest and historical states, helping users better interact with the virtual world through experiences, communication, and content creation, and autonomously create content, driving the world’s continuous development and evolution.

Secondly, WORLD3 State Management (Git) is the foundational service managing the global state of the autonomous world. All critical state information is stored on the Bitcoin network via hash functions, using L2 solutions to optimize and store large-scale data.

This design ensures that all content on the Bitcoin network is verifiable and traceable while achieving efficient storage and retrieval on L2. Additionally, WORLD3’s economic system includes tokens and incentives for creators, encouraging them to build dApps and publish content on the WORLD3 platform, stimulating more innovation and applications, and promoting ecosystem prosperity.

This system architecture ensures global state verifiability and traceability, leveraging the security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network to ensure the authenticity and transparency of system states. At the same time, L2 solutions optimize storage and performance, ensuring efficient system operation.

The introduction of AI Brain enhances user engagement and content creation experiences, providing more intelligent services during interactions.

World3’s Reward Mechanism

World3 has officially launched an invitation competition for whitelist activities. According to the project’s roadmap, its core focus in the second quarter of 2024 is brand repositioning and launching World3 QUEST, stimulating user participation through tasks and reward mechanisms, and introducing official WORLD3 assets and WORLD3 SOUL in the Bitcoin ecosystem for the first time, allowing users to create personalized digital companions.

In the third quarter, the introduction of user-generated landscape systems will allow users to decorate their land in the 3D Nexus and provide deeper user interaction experiences through 3D SOULMates. Additionally, the expansion of WORLD3 SOUL games and applications will further enrich the content of Lite Client and 3D immersive spaces, with the launch of Animal City providing a unique display platform for partners’ MEME animals.

Gameplay of World3

World3 is relatively interesting as it combines the RGB++ asset issuance protocol and digital object (DOB) gameplay. The advantage of RGB++ lies in its ability to achieve cross-chain asset transfers without relying on cross-chain bridges, supporting transaction folding and non-interactive transfers, simplifying user operations and improving transaction efficiency.

DOB showcases high flexibility and composability, allowing creators and artists unprecedented freedom to define and showcase digital objects’ attributes. Its low transfer costs and open design further broaden digital objects’ application scenarios, indicating potential in constructing cross-chain digital ecosystems.

In the future, we will see projects like Nervape combining with World3 autonomous worlds, offering users richer interactions and gameplay.

For instance, Nervape can publish its “Naked Ape” on the Bitcoin mainnet via the RGB++ protocol, while accessories and related assets are published on the CKB chain. With World3’s AI capabilities, new DOBs can exhibit richer, more composable, and personalized features, evolving like living beings.


Autonomous worlds are relatively complex and comprehensive ecosystems, encompassing not only a collection of technologies but also a convergence of creative expression, community participation, economic cycles, and governance mechanisms.

Utilizing AI to enhance system autonomy and intelligence, providing new forms of expression and economic return mechanisms for creators, is a quality choice for promoting digital culture development and ecosystem vitality.

These innovative elements contribute to forming a highly interactive and inclusive ecosystem. Beyond confidence, the current Bitcoin ecosystem needs more multidimensional and multi-layered ecosystem construction solutions and innovations. From this perspective, World3 has its necessity and value.

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